Continuing education and qualifications
III. Continuing education
This course is aimed at mediating the necessary basic knowledge as a basic qualification in accordance with § 34 a GewO for the start of a professional new orientation/reorientation with employment in the fields of activity of the private security industry, such as:
Object protection
Event protection
Precinct service
Intervention forces
NSL staff
Public transport control service
Service dog handlers
Armed security services in property protection, personal protection, etc.
Transport protection
Reception area
Special security services
Shop detective
Private detective
This also specifically applies to persons with insufficient skills in written and spoken German. Improving your language skills noticeably increases your chances of passing the expert knowledge examination and finding employment in the security business.
All graduates from our company go through specialised, competent training. It covers the most important aspects of the professions in the operational security business. It teaches the trainees the meaning of security, protection, and service.
The training programme of our further training and continuing education is modular. Training courses can last between one month and 24 months and are mostly full-time and part-time, but also extra-occupationally. There also are some short seminars and courses geared to individual needs. In many interesting and lively modules, the participants learn to appear and act discreetly, reputably, and, if necessary, proportionately but purposefully.
The intensive, sometimes hard training aims at getting graduates used to a strict and rigorous working method. It also sharpens your awareness and powers of observation in relation to hazards.
Graduates of our education centre achieve the following profile:
High loyalty to their employer
Development of analytical safety thinking
Physical and intellectual flexibility
Good intuition in the area of hazard recognition
Complex and specific knowledge of the security service
Personal control in stressful situations
High mental and physical fitness
Proportionate use of technical aids and weapons
The future security specialist/Specialist for Protection and Security will learn to fit seamlessly into the environment of their assignment and to adapt to a wide variety of circumstances and assignment profiles as well as different situations during the training.
Our courses serve as practice-oriented interfaces between experiences from operations, the requirements and wishes of security officers and clients, and the training and continuing education wishes of our DSF graduates.
Anyone interested generally can complete the training at one of our temporary training centres (practical training), as well as in Berlin (theoretical training). The respective admission requirements must be met before participation in any training.
You can book additional modules that build on each other in terms of content. They are concluded with knowledge exams and certificates for your future career path. Modules are expandable and combinable.
We will gladly answer any questions you may have on the prices, duration, and teaching content of the individual modules.
We offer the following supplementary modules/courses, among other things:
Expert knowledge examination in accordance with § 34 a GewO
Personal protection
Unarmed self-defence
Tonfa/multi-purpose baton/handcuffs
Defensive shooting
Weapons expertise (Waffensachkunde; WSK) in accordance with §7 WaffG
Security technology (certified installer of hazard detection systems)
Paramedic (in accordance with RD law)
Paramedic training (first aider/LSM)
Preventive fire protection/fire protection assistant in accordance with § 10 ArbSchG
Service dog handlers/service dog
Subject-related German course (in accordance with the EU levels for language qualifications)
Specialised English course
Driving licence
Driving security training
Improvised explosive devices
Operational tactics
Service know-how
Operational psychology
Operational technology
Operational technology and tactics in crisis situations/pandemics
We do not conduct any courses that require AZAV funding, regardless of duration, and explicitly refer to AGSM Akademie für ganzheitliche Sicherheit und Sicherheitsmanagement GmbH, Alt-Moabit 96 b/c, 10559 Berlin for these.
All courses and supplementary modules can generally be held extra-occupationally; entry is possible at any time!
Individual scheduling for all examination preparation courses, as well as of any other courses/seminars and training courses is possible at any time for
Individual groups and
Course dates for companies
Dates and periods in accordance with individual arrangement adjusted to the situation.
Please note:
Registration with us at least 14 days before the corresponding official examination is mandatory for all courses with official examinations (e.g., WSK, range officer, NSL and similar) in order to ensure an optimal examination date for you.
Training site:
Theoretical training takes place on the premises of AGSM GmbH, Alt Moabit 96 b/c, 10559 Berlin and at DSF GMBH, FD BGA, Französische Strasse 12, 10117 Berlin.
Lesson times:
Monday – Friday
01.00 PM- 02.30 PM
02.45 PM- 04.15 PM
04.30 PM- 06.00 PM
06.15 PM- 07.30 PM
08.00 PM- 09.30 PM
09.45 PM- 10.15 PM
09.00 AM - 10.30 AM
10.45 AM - 12.15 PM
12.30 PM - 02.15 PM
02.30 PM - 04.00 PM
or as agreed.
Practical training takes place in one of our temporary training centres.
Other training sites are possible after prior, individual agreement and corresponding number of participants.
IV. Post-qualifications
All graduates of our DSF (GSD) go through specialised competent training. It covers the most important aspects of the professions in the operational security business. It teaches the trainees the meaning of security, protection, and service.
The training programme of our further training and continuing education is modular. Training courses can last between one month and 24 months and are mostly full-time and part-time, but also extra-occupationally. There also are some short seminars and courses geared to individual needs. In many interesting and lively modules, the participants learn to appear and act discreetly, reputably, and, if necessary, proportionately but purposefully.
The intensive, sometimes hard training aims at getting graduates used to a strict and rigorous working method. It also sharpens your awareness and powers of observation in relation to hazards.
Graduates of our education centre achieve the following profile:
High loyalty to their employer
Development of analytical safety thinking
Physical and intellectual flexibility
Good intuition in the area of hazard recognition
Complex and specific knowledge of the security service
Personal control in stressful situations
High mental and physical fitness
Proportionate use of technical aids and weapons
The future security specialist/Specialist for Protection and Security will learn to fit seamlessly into the environment of their assignment and to adapt to a wide variety of circumstances and assignment profiles as well as different situations during the training.
Our courses serve as practice-oriented interfaces between experiences from operations, the requirements and wishes of security officers and clients, and the training and continuing education wishes of our DSF graduates.
Anyone interested generally can complete the training at one of our training centres. The respective admission requirements must be met before participation in any training.
We do not conduct any courses that require AZAV funding, regardless of duration, and explicitly refer to AGSM Akademie für ganzheitliche Sicherheit und Sicherheitsmanagement GmbH, Alt-Moabit 96 b/c, 10559 Berlin for these.
All courses and supplementary modules can generally be held extra-occupationally; entry is possible at any time!
Individual scheduling for all examination preparation courses and post-qualification courses is possible at any time for
Individual groups and
Please note:
General information on GSSK courses: No later than 8 weeks before the annual IHK examination (spring – summer – winter)
General information on MSS courses: No later than 9 weeks before the annual IHK examination (spring – summer // basic and action-specific qualification)
AEVO courses: No later than 2 weeks before the respective monthly IHK examination
to ensure optimum examination preparation for you.
Training site:
The theoretical training takes place on the premises of AGSM GmbH, Alt Moabit 96 b/c, 10559 Berlin and on the premises of DSF GMBH, FD BGA, Französische Strasse 12, 10117 Berlin.
The practical training, in one of our temporary training centres.
V. Retraining
All graduates of our education centre go through a specialised competent training. It covers the most important aspects of the professions in the operational security business. It teaches the trainees the meaning of security, protection, and service.
The training programme of our further training and continuing education is modular. Training courses can last between one month and 24 months and are mostly full-time and part-time, but also extra-occupationally. There also are some short seminars and courses geared to individual needs. In many interesting and lively modules, the participants learn to appear and act discreetly, reputably, and, if necessary, proportionately but purposefully.
The intensive, sometimes hard training aims at getting graduates used to a strict and rigorous working method. It also sharpens your awareness and powers of observation in relation to hazards.
Graduates of our education centre achieve the following profile:
High loyalty to their employer
Development of analytical safety thinking
Physical and intellectual flexibility
Good intuition in the area of hazard recognition
Complex and specific knowledge of the security service
Personal control in stressful situations
High mental and physical fitness
Proportionate use of technical aids and weapons
Our courses serve as practice-oriented interfaces between experiences from operations, the requirements and wishes of security officers and clients, and the training and continuing education wishes of our DSF graduates.
Anyone interested generally can complete the training at one of our training centres. The respective admission requirements must be met before participation in any training.
We do not conduct any courses that require AZAV funding, regardless of duration, and explicitly refer to AGSM Akademie für ganzheitliche Sicherheit und Sicherheitsmanagement GmbH, Alt-Moabit 96 b/c, 10559 Berlin for these.
All courses and supplementary modules can generally be held extra-occupationally!
Individual entry is possible at any time, in accordance with joint course planning.
Please note:
FSS/SSS courses: No later than 12 weeks before the annual IHK examination (summer – autumn/winter)
to ensure optimal examination preparation for you.
Training site:
The theoretical training takes place on the premises of AGSM GmbH, Alt Moabit 96 b/c, 10559 Berlin and on the premises of DSF GMBH, FD BGA, Französische Strasse 12, 10117 Berlin.
The practical training, in one of our temporary training centres.