Course regulations

For reasons of better readability, the following course regulations use only the generic masculine. We explicitly note that this is in no way discriminatory or valuation. 
These course regulations are addressed to all individuals irrespective of gender, origin, sexual orientation, and/or religion who are interested in participating in one of our courses and meet the respective admission requirements.

Table of contents:


Preface by the head of the education centre – welcoming words from your education centre

  1. General admission requirements for participation in the basic courses (preparation for the expert knowledge examination in accordance with § 34 a of the Industrial Code) 

  2. General admission requirements for participation in specialisation courses 

  3. General admission requirements for participation in the retraining and master training courses

  4. General admission requirements for training in personal protection

  5. General admission requirements for open seminars, courses

  6. Registration for course participation

  7. Aptitude tests

  8. Security clearance of the course participants

  9. Payment terms

  10. Course financing

  11. Training procedure

  12. Approval of the equipment of the course participants for the training

  13. Approval of the weapons of the course participants for training

  14. Catering for course participants during training

  15. Insurance obligations of the course participants

  16. Lecturers and trainers of the FD GSD

  17. Prohibition of the consumption of alcohol, drugs, and other prohibited intoxicants

  18. Exclusion from the course

  19. Final examinations

  20. Certificates 

  21. Entering into effect of these course regulations 

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Preface by the management

Professional employees of private security services are distinguished by legally sound handling of the legal system and well-founded specialist knowledge, as well as the ability and skill to professionally implement this knowledge in daily service.

Certain companies, federal states, and countries of the EU doubtlessly do not pay enough attention to the professional and well-founded training of people who want to work in private security services or are already doing this. 
There is a number of reasons for this.
Significant obstacles include a lack of security awareness adjusted to societal developments and a failure to recognise that private security companies are increasingly involved in tasks for the protection and security of individuals and private property as well as the dubious nature of the political discussion on the minimum wage in the private security industry.
This has serious implications for the quality of training content, training procedures, and thus the quality of security services.

Security staff have been expected to protect the lives, health, and property of others for EUR 11.35 plus surcharges in the cent range since 01/01/2022. This is a rather questionable treatment of people by our society, from politics to individual clients who turn to private security services.

Even the executive forces employ more and more private security services since the police and judiciary are unable to cope with the ever-increasing tasks of securing and restoring public safety and order at the scope necessary and expected anymore due to insufficient headcounts. 
Use of private security services in crisis areas to protect people, aid convoys, properties, and even ships has increased considerably.
Some of these facts make it necessary to offer and conduct the training of employees of private security services much more professionally and in a much higher quantity and quality than it has been offered and conducted so far. 
This usually starts with selection and admission of course participants. 

DSF has taken this into consideration and developed a training programme that clearly differs from the content, quality, and quantity other providers offer based on the experience of the trainers and instructors, who are specialist lecturers for security professions in Germany, some of which provide highly qualified security services themselves, and on research performed on the private security and education markets. 

The course content is profoundly based on the high training level of the apprenticeship occupation “Specialist for Protection and Security” as a standard level and partly on highly professional training programmes of the German police (subject to a training period of at least 2.5-4 years). 
Rather than simply quoting the term of PPP (Private Public Partnership), we want to do all that we can to make this often-cited and described partnership between authorities and private security services work.
DSF believes that efficient and professional training cannot be achieved in weekend seminars. 
They work as refresher courses but can only test and/or partially maintain skills and abilities.

As a course participant, you have chosen to acquire highly professional expertise at our education centre. We would like to congratulate you on this. 
You have chosen training for the future.
Every single lecturer and instructor at DSF has been/is employed in the professions of official security, law enforcement, medicine (rescue), private security, or related teaching fields for a long time.
This team of trainers and instructors combines highly professional expertise and plenty of experience in adult qualification as well as in practical, safety-relevant service delivery.

The courses in personal protection and some of the special training courses are conducted in a streamlined, military-style leadership style at our education centre. Self-discipline, order, and cleanliness towards the environment are some of the most important cornerstones of a professional security guard and are therefore considered and applied in all our courses and retraining.
We wish you great success in completing your courses.

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1. General admission requirements for participation in basic courses (preparation for expert knowledge examination § 34 a of the Industrial Code [Gewerbeordnung; GewO])

  • You are at least 18 years old.

  • You have completed an occupation subject to vocational training (not compulsory if you are financed via the job centre or employment office).

  • You have no relevant criminal record, in accordance with § 34 a GewO (submission of official certificate of good conduct).

  • You are suitable for this profession in terms of health.

  • You are looking for a vocational change.

  • You have a good command of the German language, both written and spoken. (at least level B1)

  • You have a good reputation (there may be a verification if the basic course is conducted as an advanced module for personal protection training).

  • You are not a member of any group suspected of acting against the legal order of the Federal Republic of Germany or of violating applicable international law.

  • You will provide the necessary documentation for admission to the theoretical and practical driving test when booking the module “Acquisition of driving licence”.

  • You will submit an indicative CV for booking the module.

  • You will provide us with evidence of your pre-existing qualifications (particularly important for job placement).

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2. General admission requirements for participation in special courses 

  • You are at least 21 years old (in justified exceptional cases at least 19 years old).

  • You have already successfully passed the expert knowledge examination in the guarding trade in accordance with § 34 a GewO.

  • You have been working in a security profession for at least 3 years (less in justified exceptional cases).

  • There are no entries in your official certificate of good conduct (you may have to submit an extended certificate of good conduct – BZRG). 

  • You have a good reputation (this will be verified for personal protection training and tangential training!).

  • You are not a member of any group suspected of acting against the legal order of the Federal Republic of Germany or of violating applicable international law.

  • You are physically and mentally fit for training with weapons (if required, psychological assessment in accordance with the Weapons Act [Waffengesetz; WaffG] may be required).

  • You agree to submit to a performance test before starting your training. 

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3. General admission requirements for participation in retraining and master qualifications



These courses are intended for the following potential trainees:

  1. Specialist for Protection and Security

  2. Service Worker for Protection and Security

General admission requirements

  • Secondary school leaving certificate or equivalent knowledge

  • Completed vocational training or

  • Several years of professional experience or

  • No vocational qualification but other recognised prerequisites or

  • Several years of military service

  • No entries in the certificate of good conduct

  • Suitability in accordance with the Weapons Act

  • Minimum age: 21 years

  • Ability and willingness to work shifts

  • You agree to submit to a performance test before starting your training. 

  • Good command of written and spoken German (min. B1)

  • Physical aptitude

We will require proof of the partial qualification already completed or recognition by the Chamber of Industry and Commerce and of your current job for partial qualifications and extra-occupational continuing education.


Master qualifications

Anyone demonstrating the following prerequisites will be admitted to the examination part for “Basic qualifications”:

  • Final examination as a Specialist for Protection and Security successfully passed


  • Another recognised occupation subject to vocational training that can be considered a safety-relevant occupation, followed by at least one year of professional practice in it


  • Successfully completed final examination in another recognised occupation subject to vocational training, followed by at least two years of professional experience in it 


  • At least five years of professional experience 


  • Successfully passed examination as a certified plant security specialist or Specialist for Protection and Security


Anyone demonstrating the following prerequisites will be admitted to the examination part “Action-specific qualifications”:

  •  Examination part “Basic qualifications” passed no more than five years before and at least one additional year of professional experience in addition to the periods of practice included in paragraph 1 §§ 1 to 4.

Successfully passed examination for certified protection and security staff is also recognised in some cases in practice. 
The professional experience to be verified must involve activities that are conducive to the professional qualification of a Master of Protection and Security. 
Foreign educational qualifications and periods of professional activity abroad will be considered for admission to the examination.

Please refer to items 1 and 2 for the standard documents.

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4. General admission requirements for participation in continuing education in personal protection

These courses are aimed at potential trainees who meet the following requirements:

  • Mental/physical maturity (aptitude test)

  • At least secondary school leaving certificate or vocational qualification or equivalent knowledge

  • No entries in the certificate of good conduct (to be verified before the start of the training!)

  • Suitability in accordance with the Weapons Act

  • Minimum age: 21 years (justified exceptions are possible)

  • Minimum age from personal protection training level IV – 25 years

  • German citizenship or residence permit for Germany

  • Completed vocational qualification (or similar training)

  • Basic computer skills (Word, Excel, PowerPoint)

  • Very good command of written and spoken German (at least European level B2, further foreign language skills are of advantage)

  • Good health and the will to be physically active

  • Driving licence is of advantage

  • Ability and willingness to work shifts

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5. General admission requirements for participation in open seminars and courses

These courses are intended for the following potential trainees:

  • Minimum age: 18 years 

  • Interest in particular subjects

  • Special admission requirements may apply, depending on the subject matter

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6. Registration 

There are two ways to register. Both are done in writing! 

a. Individual registration (mail, internet, personal presentation)
b. Registration via employer 

Registration is usually done by submitting a request by email via our website 

All personal details must be entered there. After the sender’s identity has been verified, the potential participant will have the registration documents mailed to them. They must be completed truthfully and returned within five working days. 

However, the simplest form of registration is coming to our office or our training centres in person.

You can also register through your employer. If your employer has booked courses with us before, the registration procedure will be simplified. Your employer will be aware of this. 
You will be invited to an information meeting following receipt of your registration documents. In the course of this, you will learn all you need to know about your course and sign the training contract. 

You can still withdraw your registration on the day of the information interview. Everything else regarding the training is subject to the content of our T&C.
The language of training and command during training, exercise, and deployment generally is German. Applicants with German of level B1 of the European Framework of Reference are eligible for participation in the application procedure and must pass a level B2 examination within the first three months. The admissions committee will decide on any exceptions.

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7. Aptitude tests 

Some seminars and courses will require an aptitude test to ensure that you are mentally and physically up to the high demands of the courses. These aptitude tests are based on the experience of special operations units and private personal protection squads.
The courses subject to prior aptitude tests will be disclosed to you in a personal interview. 
Participation in this course is not possible without passing the aptitude test. Any course fees already paid will be refunded, minus the costs for the aptitude test. 

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8. Security clearance 

Some courses require security clearance of the course participants. DSF avoids training persons who have either already committed a criminal offence or intend to use the high-quality training against the rule of law of the Federal Republic of Germany as well as its friendly states or otherwise violate applicable international law in this manner.
Criminal records and reputation, employer, and, in particular cases, affiliation with groups, parties, and organisations or associations will be reviewed as necessary. The potential participant will be informed of this and must agree to this clearance procedure in writing. If the student does not consent, they will not be allowed to participate in the course. Consent to the security clearance generally is voluntary!

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9. Payment terms 

All courses generally must be paid for in advance (self-payers). Payment in instalments can be agreed in accordance with the term.
Financing provided from public funds (e.g., education vouchers, BAföG, education premium, or similar) is subject to separate stipulations in the training contract. The financial benefits of the education voucher are assigned to DSF for this purpose. The training/participant contract regulates this in more detail. The same applies to financing.
Course participants must pay the course fee within five working days upon receipt of the confirmation of enrolment (which you will typically receive after signing the contract). Course participants outside the Federal Republic of Germany but within the EU will pay via SEPA. Deadline for receipt of payment (at least seven days before the course starts). Exceptions can be stipulated in the contract. 
If the course fee has not been paid by the start of the course, the participant will not be admitted and claims for damages may be asserted. (Signing of the training contract by the course participant constitutes a legally binding contract) 

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10. Course financing by DSF

Some of our courses are very expensive. The management of DSF is aware that not all participants can pay such a high course fee in a single payment. 
DSF will agree to provide financing plans for these course participants in the form of a loan to ensure that these interested parties also have the chance to take advantage of the high-quality training at our education centre. The interest rate on the loan is 2.5% of the amount of the total fee. No further fees or costs will be charged. The term of the loan should not exceed twelve months. 

Course participants using the financing option commit to demonstrably set up a standing order to ensure the monthly repayment of the instalments.

The financing contract will be terminated and the amount of the course fee less any payments already made will fall due immediately if the course participant is in arrears with two instalment payments. 

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11. Training procedure 

All courses will start on 16/01/2023; they are also available as extra-occupational courses. Individual scheduling is possible by arrangement.

Since we train future security staff, training times may vary and can be adapted to the exercise situations depending on the topic. Some types of training are performed under conditions similar to actual deployment.
Open seminars and courses are preferably held from Friday, 2 PM, to Sunday, 6 PM, and focus on a particular topic.

Other training times (including weekends, Sundays, and public holidays) are also possible, and even probable in the area of special training depending on the training plan.
Special training courses will be held abroad in some cases.
Training may also take place over several consecutive days (complex training) in special cases.
Free days in special trainings (e.g., personal protection) do not correspond to public holidays, school holidays or other special occasions.
They can be re-scheduled in coordination with the course applicants.

Training sites include the intended locations, or locations suitably and specifically assigned to the respective location and the training content.

We offer in-house courses that can be freely scheduled by prior arrangement for companies.

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12. Approval of the equipment of the course participants 

Course participants require some personal equipment/supplies as part of the training. This equipment, standard clothing, special clothing, and supplies must be paid for by the participant directly, the employer, or the payer. 
Basic courses attended by course participants who are not yet members of security companies or who do not have any cash assets (see Payer) are an exception from this. Safety and admissibility of the equipment of the course participants will be verified at the beginning of a course. These checks will take place before each training session, in compliance with DGUV V1 and DGUV V23 and other applicable legislation and accident prevention regulations.

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13. Approval of the weapons of the course participants 

Firearms for training (courses with firearm use) that are provided by course participants must be inspected for faultless function and prescribed safety standards by a DSF weapon master. 
Course participants have either a weapons possession card and/or a weapons licence. 

Course participants also must be designated for armed service with their employer. This must be documented by an employer’s certificate. 
A firearms licence is not compulsory tor impact weapons (MES/Tonfa). 

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14. Catering for course participants during training 

Course participants are not entitled to canteen meals. 
Course participants are responsible for their own meals during courses with regular training times. 
Catering for the course participants is possible either by way of meal packages or by the field kitchen at the expense of DSF in the case of special courses and complex training, where the training times are longer than 12 hours due to the training scenarios and take place in the training area. However, there is no legal entitlement to this.

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15. Insurance obligations of the course participant 

Each course participant must have and document private liability insurance. 
DSF will only accept claims settlements if caused by negligence or other shortcomings on the part of the instructors. 
The course participants must provide proof of insurance cover upon DSF’s request. 

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16. Lecturers and trainers 

The lecturers and trainers were selected in accordance with special criteria. The lecturers and trainers all come from relevant professions, such as police, military, legal, medical services, etc. All lecturers and trainers have a very high level of expertise and experience in adult qualification. 
Lecturers and trainers are either permanent employees of DSF or freelancers working for the company. 
All lecturers and trainers are generally authorised to give instructions to the course participants. The areas of personal protection from level III onwards, IED training, weapons training, and special tactical training form exceptions from this since they are taught by special instructors who are only authorised to give instructions to the respective participants.

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17. Prohibition of the consumption of alcohol, drugs, and other prohibited intoxicants 

The consumption of alcohol, drugs, and any other illegal intoxicants is generally prohibited in the training areas of DSF. 
Violations will be reported to the police if they constitute a criminal offence. 

It is forbidden to come to the courses under the influence of intoxicating substances. 

The provisions of DGUV V 23 and the Guarding Regulation (Bewachungsverordnung; BewachV) must be strictly adhered to.

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18. Exclusions from the course 

Course participants who are late for the training without excuse more than twice will be excluded from the course without refund of the course fee. 
Students are considered late if more than five minutes late or not present at the start of class. 

The following will be excluded without refund of the course fee: 

  • Anyone who harasses or denigrates any other course participants during the training or obstructs the learning process

  • Anyone who grossly negligently or intentionally damages another person’s property

  • Anyone who appears at the training under the influence of alcohol or other intoxicants

  • Anyone who commits any criminal offences during training

  • Anyone who violates instructions of lecturers and trainers

  • Anyone who spreads or presents racist or sexist ideas

  • Anyone who does not comply with the company’s safety provisions

  • Anyone who has not paid the course fee on time or is in arrears with two instalments

  • Anyone who is investigating DSF or its contractual or cooperation partners. The same shall apply if such offences are attempted

  • Anyone who proves unsuitable for handling of weapons

  • Anyone who defames, insults, or otherwise violates the administrative staff, lecturers, trainers, or partner companies of DSF employed by DSF or who violates the applicable laws of the Federal Republic of Germany

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19. Final examinations 

All courses are subject to final examinations. 
Many courses (weapons expertise, fire protection assistant, paramedic, etc.) end with an examination before a state examination board (Chamber of Industry and Commerce, police, fire brigade, rescue service, etc.).
The internal final examinations for individual course contents are aligned to those of the IHK, but with a higher practical relevance and scope of performance. 
An examination board is formed, comprising a chairperson and two assessors. Personal protection training usually has a chairperson and three assessors or an active personal protection command team as the board.
All final examinations comprise a written, an oral and a practical part. 
Written examinations usually take at least 60 minutes. 
Oral or practical examinations usually take at least 30 minutes (longer for special training). Exceptions are the final examinations for some personal protection levels (Levels IV and V, one week).
The course participant must be informed of the examination results in writing within seven days of the final examination (IHK certificates in accordance with the time limit regulations applicable there).

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20. Certificates 

Certificates are issued for all courses. These certificates prove attendance of a specific course at DSF (Part 1). The training contents and the final result of the internal final examination can also be stated in these certificates (part 2). 
The certificates will be handed over against signature on the day of course completion (in compliance with the BDSG).

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21. Entering into effect of these course regulations 

These course regulations shall enter into effect on 01/01/2023. 

All preceding regulations are rendered invalid with immediate effect. 

The General Terms and Conditions of DSF shall not be affected by these course regulations.


Berlin, 01 January 2023



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