GSD–Ganzheitliche Sicherheitsausbildung (integrated security training)

Training, further training and continuing education

The beginning is always the hardest. This is particularly true when starting out in a new profession. Most people find it difficult to skilfully showcase their strengths every single time. The letter of application can be the first obstacle here already. Many applicants hesitate since they know that they will need to live up to certain standards to avoid disappearing into the crowd. This uncertainty causes most people to either do nothing at all, or to approach the entire matter incorrectly, ruining their chances. That’s a pity! We at “DSF” believe that this reluctance is unnecessary and based solely on lack of knowledge.


What is the education voucher? 

The education voucher represents the employment agency’s written promise to cover the costs of participation in training and continuing education. The respective continuing education course must be approved for funding of continuing education in accordance with § 85 of the Social Code, Volume III (Sozialgesetzbuch III; SGB III). The legal texts that form the basis for the education voucher can be found in § 16 of SGB II. This paragraph sets out the benefits for integration into the labour market along with SGB III, where promotion of employment is stipulated. Promotion of continuing vocational training described in the sixth section is of particular interest here. 


Where can I get the education voucher? 

Talk to your employment counsellor at the employment office first if you want to take part in a continuing education measure. Determine whether your continuing education can be funded with an education voucher. If you are eligible (see “Requirements”), you will receive your education voucher from the customer advisors, usually during the counselling interview. The ARGE (Arbeitsgemeinschaft von Arbeitsagenturen und Sozialbehörden; work group of employment agencies and social security offices) staff at your place of residence are usually responsible for counselling ALG II recipients. Talk to your advisor at the ARGE about funding through the education voucher if you are interested in continuing education.

Who is eligible for an education voucher? 

Since 1 January 2003, the employment agencies have been able to issue education vouchers for individually determined educational needs, provided the eligibility requirements are met. Education vouchers used to be reserved for recipients of unemployment benefit (ALG I). Since 1 January 2005, however, ALG II recipients have also been able to obtain education vouchers through the Arbeitsgemeinschaft (ARGE). 
Good preparation for interview with the employment counselling service improves your chances of being approved for an education voucher. It is advisable to research the continuing education offers available in your region, to contact education providers, and to collect detailed information on the goals and perspectives of the individual continuing education measures in advance. 

What requirements do I have to meet?

The employment agency continues to decide on whose participation in which continuing vocational training measure they will fund. Promotion of further vocational training is to improve your chances of placement. Your previous professional career, existing previous knowledge, and the receptiveness of the labour market should be considered in addition to your personal strengths.

The following generally applies: The continuing education offer must be suitable for avoiding imminent unemployment, reintegrating employees into the labour market after unemployment, or it must be recognised as vocational qualification after successful completion if no such qualification has previously been acquired. The findings on the necessity of continuing education always consider the conditions of the labour market. The employment agency will decide on whether continuing education is a suitable instrument for successful integration into the labour market or whether other labour market policy instruments (e.g., wage cost subsidies or integration subsidies) are more promising of success. 
Prior counselling from the employment agency to clarify your eligibility requirements before participation is necessary. 
The training provider and the chosen course must be approved for funding in accordance with Social Code III (see education policy). Ensure that the continuing education measure is in line with the educational objective specified in the education voucher. 
Awarding of education vouchers ultimately is also subject to the available funds of the employment agency or ARGE. If all requirements for funding are met and you have received counselling from the employment agency, you will receive an education voucher to cover the costs incurred from participation in the continuing education.


What does an education voucher actually look like? 

The education voucher states its regional application and a maximum period of validity of three months to redeem it. Apart from this, it describes the individual education goal and the duration required to achieve it. This is an example of an education voucher (PDF, 500 KB, source: Employment agency LINK). The empty fields on the first page will be completed by the customer advisor of the training provider offering the desired continuing education measure.


What do I do with the education voucher? 

You can redeem the education voucher at an approved educational institution of your choice for the subsidised continuing education, under consideration of the educational objectives and qualification content specified in it. Take a close look at the education provider whose continuing education measures you are interested in beforehand and schedule a personal counselling appointment. Have your education voucher completed by the customer advisor of the education provider once you have chosen an education provider. You must submit the completed education voucher to the employment agency or the ARGE before the start of the measure, i.e., the first day of classes. In exceptional cases also later.

What do I have to consider for the education voucher? 

The education voucher is valid for up to three months from the date of issue and will expire if no continuing education measure is started during this period. If the recipient of the voucher has not found a suitable continuing education offer within the validity period, they can obtain a new voucher. 
Your chosen educational institution will confirm that you are going to be accepted into the measure on the education voucher. The education voucher completed by the education provider must be submitted to the employment agency or ARGE before the measure commences, i.e., before your first participation in classes. 

What advantages does the education voucher have for me? 

The education voucher allows you to choose the educational institution where you would like to complete your continuing education on your own, within certain limits. The Federal Labour Office (Bundesanstalt für Arbeit), therefore, has reason to expect that the education voucher will ensure greater competition between education providers and increase the quality of continuing education. Your advantage is being able to show more initiative and take responsibility for your successful reintegration into the labour market.