“DSF DER SECURITYFUCHS GMBH”, abbreviated as “DSF” below, strives to provide our clients, principals, and customers with the required integrated security package, tailored to their individual needs and requirements. The minimum qualification for our qualified operational personnel is that of a Specialist for Protection and Security with the corresponding additional qualifications. Higher qualifications are available. The different working areas of the company make sure of this. Decision-maker positions such as training managers, security consultants, and human resources developers hold a Master’s degree in a relevant field of action.
Our education and training measures aim at developing the operational, psychological, and physical skills and abilities required. We try to consistently maintain and constantly expand the knowledge and insights of our course participants and staff. We require our people to have internalised the principle of lifelong learning. We provide the prerequisites for constant, personal readiness of our security industry employees to warrant operational capability of our teams in all relevant hazard and risk situations.
Our education centres offer challenging training that demands intensive commitment on the participants’ part. We try to use different methods to prepare the graduates for their deployment in an emergency and beyond in our lessons.
We use training methods with different structures to achieve this:
• Theoretical specialist training in all of our subject areas
• Self-study units
• Different types of online units
• Lectures/seminars
• Instructions
• Project work
• Student papers
• Exercises/training
• Actual, tactical behavioural training in the form of individual and group exercises as well as complex trainings
• Actual armed and unarmed self-defence training
• Handling of tactical situations
We are certain that our concept and attitude guarantee well-founded and qualified training and continuing education. Our teaching methods are subject to regular testing and continuous expansion. Teaching and training times are adapted to actual requirements in the security industry.
We will gladly offer advice and information by phone or in person during our opening hours. We look forward to welcoming you to our education centres. You do not need to call ahead of your visit. However, it is helpful in order to avoid needless waiting times or empty time slots.
Feel free to leave a message by phone or WhatsApp or to contact us by email outside of our opening hours.
Our client advisory service, expert advisors, and trainers will be available for personal consultation. Do not hesitate to schedule an appointment with us and to involve us in your internal selection criteria when choosing your professional future.
We always communicate openly.
Comments from the training manager
Also at the beginning of the III. quarter of 2024, it is once again clear that our working world continues to be subject to rapid change. Some reasons include developments of a pandemic that keeps flaring up time and time again and that is not going to go away anytime soon, the effects of climate development due to humanity’s own fault, regional armed conflicts (Hamas terrorist organisation and others – Israel/Ukraine-Russia/Kosovo-Serbia/Turke, among other places) with international participation of all existing political and military alliances and their reflection on the EU and thus on society in Germany. These disputes know neither winners nor losers. The actionism practised by forces inspired by party-political ambitions based on a vast variety of motivational structures are visible every day, unable and/or unwilling to work together to solve the issues humanity is facing. An organisation, a state, a person in a publicly perceived political function, might receive too little attention, or have too few of its individual needs for an ever greater sphere of influence met.
As people and service providers working in continuing education in the security industry, we are part of society and an important part of the security architecture. It means we need to recognise the risks and get on top of the situation.
Initial training vs. adult education?
Adult education seems to be the clear winner in this unequal competition at first glance, under consideration of the relevant laws and regulations of this country that claims a leading position in the EU regarding existing occupations subject to vocational training (Service Worker for Protection and Security/Specialist for Protection and Security) and qualification levels (instruction and expert knowledge examination for the guarding trade in accordance with the Industrial Code (Gewerbeordnung; GewO) and post-qualifications to become a certified protection and security worker/Master of Protection and Security in accordance with the Vocational Training Act (Berufsbildungsgesetz; BBiG).
That is frightening. Three years of vocational qualification (initial training) vs. two-years of retraining. Measured in terms of training period, initial training clearly wins. Comparing the quality of vocational qualifications, retraining clearly wins, in particular in terms of quality of examination results, pass rates, and measured by the rates of non-dropouts from the training courses. This raises many a question. Who is not paying attention or turning a blind eye, or what is the direct influence of lobbying with a devastating negative effect on the quality of private security? High turnover figures and thousands of security staff in the security companies do not guarantee for competence in their individual fields of action and the positions they fill.
This highly dynamic yet explosive development demands all educational institutions to offer greatest flexibility and maximum quality of trainers and training. The high-quality education of our future employees, both on management level and below, is lost as organised training and continuing education events cease (deployment of initial trainees in the private security industry vs. statistics of vocational qualification achievements of above occupational profiles and post-qualifications). We have had a look at these negative conditions.
The demand for well-founded information exceeds typical levels in our course participants. We operationally adapt our training methods and content as well as the tactical abilities of our task force members to ever-changing conditions, even though bureaucratic hurdles can be towering obstacles for a variety of reasons caused by a lack of flexibility among the official decision-makers!
Things can be different for our course participants and graduates. What about those who are still on short-time work, who have lost or yet may lose their jobs, whose current qualifications seem insufficient for future continued employment in an evolving world shaken by crisis, or those who are suffering stagnation in their professional and personal prospects for whom nothing will change if they keep on waiting for a prince to kiss them awake? The next crisis is likely to kiss us long before than a prince might be born and raised to think with sufficient complexity.
Take your chance for continuing education now. Make use of any free capacities and gain a competitive advantage that may turn out decisive. Get on top of the next situation ahead in this crisis. Prepare, improve, expand your qualification to be better equipped in your range and depth of use with some unique selling points. Why not contact to us??? We can help you if you want us to! -
The potential for conflict that accompanies the patronising attitudes permanently forced on us, at times involving personal restrictions, is evident in the media every single day. We should develop our own, fact-compliant picture of the situation to base our thoughts and actions on, with all the consequences for which we need to take responsibility.
We should be prepared for adequate operational scenarios and put ourselves in a position to do our job responsibly and within the scope of applicable legal norms while acting in a measured, proportionate. and judicious manner. First and foremost, we should do everything that we can and need to do to improve. -
We should not allow uncertain economic and political decisions to hold us back as we keep on developing and educating ourselves to become and remain firm and permanent elements of the private security landscape. We are certain that responsible selection of the applicants for our courses/continuing education offers ensures that we only train participants who fully subject themselves to the democratic legal norms applicable in Germany and our other European countries where they may be deployed, who fully recognise the respective applicable laws, and who have acquired the respective national language of the country of their deployment at least to B2 level for subject-specific terminology or who are doing so in our courses. This is the only way to ensure target-oriented communication with the interfaces of all relevant authorities and successful cooperation.
Anyone with access to the internet has an unlimited range of knowledge and continuing education at their fingertips. With comprehensible theory. Online learning offers many advantages. Learners can usually proceed at their own pace, independently of time and place, and gather information that they might not otherwise have access to on site (at continuing education facilities, in their companies, from authorities, etc.). Managing one’s own learning also requires iron discipline and motivation, well-developed time management, and a high degree of independence to successfully pursue digital continuing education, however. Not everyone shares all of these qualities. They certainly are not taught, required, and successfully trained in the various stages of school education and prior training.
Current and growing imbalances in the training and employment markets of the private security industry and the increasing disconnection between training, employment, and actual demand on the security market are closely interlinked with a growing risk of exacerbating the dangers from employing inadequately trained security staff. Increasing quality and the vital trust in the security industry is growing ever closer to being but a political playing piece. Lobbyism is at fault for this. The required competences are either not achieved at all, or only insufficiently so.
“The competitive struggle of the future will take the form of a competence struggle” (Erpenbeck & v. Rosenstiel, 2005). Each of us has to decide for themselves where their place within the security industry (company, organisation, self-employment) and in society is to be in the future.
If we are creative and willing to learn new things, we can weather the crises together and continue in our educational activities with new, combined methods. Crises can slow us down, but they will not stop us!!!
This keeps us responsible for our own individual success or failures. Excuses will only work for those coming up with them and using them, and their effect will be short-lived. Hypocrisy, crying, self-pity, and other things set in afterwards. We do not tolerate this.
Let those who truly want to move things have success in their causes!
Berlin, July 2024
With best regards and wishes for the future.
F. Müller
Knowledge equals power
Placing and deploying you for the god of our clients means enabling you to raise their need for security to a higher level in a target-oriented manner. It also means implementing individual security requirements and offering you an opportunity to become established in a profession that should be a vocation at the same time.
This means that profit optimisation is not our highest goal in the continuously growing market of the security industry in private and authority-provided security. We want to keep qualitative security of our clients as well as that of our training in the highest regard possible.
We aim to do justice to the fluctuations in security situations, security-related developments. and the ever-growing demands on the quality of training. These changes are to happen smoothly by using harmonious transitions. Profit equals continuous qualification of our internal and external employees and their desire to be or become specialists in the security industry for us.
Dear potential trainees, ...
do you want to change or reorient yourself professionally?
are you a dropout and/or no longer finding your current degree programme sufficiently attractive? Are you looking for a new challenge without any lectures and self-study units that have no practical relevance?
are you an active security worker from the private security industry or other areas of the economy?
have you worked as security staff before?
are you a member of the armed forces, about to leave active service?
are you anything but an adventurer or a self-promoter?
are you an immigrant citizen and looking for your place in the working world of our society, fully accepting the principles this country is built on?
are you looking for exciting challenges in your daily working life?
are you are severely disabled within the meaning of volume IX of the Social Code (Sozialgesetzbuch IX; SGB IX) or been assigned equivalent status, and are looking for a new challenge?
are you interested in establishing yourself in the private security industry, irrespective of your gender?
are you interested in the private security business for any respectable reason?
are you looking to improve security as an individual or as a representative of a legal entity?
are you willing to submit to proper security clearance?
are you willing to learn the national language of your country of deployment at least up to level B2 by the end of the course?
We are the right place for you then!
As an active member of our society and an interested reader, you are well informed about current world events and the headlines of the daily press as well as those of the other media already. Therefore, we will not present them here again to point out the increasing importance of the private security industry. We also will not refer to any pandemic developments, no matter how they are called. This will be part of our lives in the future, just like all developments in our environment!
Talk to us before you decide to work in this area to find skilled employment, to establish yourself there, or to achieve social security. We can get to know each other in the introductory and test phases if necessary. This gives us time to find and make goal-oriented decisions in your professional and personal interest together.
This applies accordingly if you are looking to improve your professional prospects or advance your professional career within the scope of an upgrading qualification. Please contact us so we can find the matching job description or field of activity for you together.
Our concern
It is our explicit concern to meet the constantly growing quality requirements for anyone working in the security industry within the scope of our training, further training, continuing education, and qualification offerings.
All of our courses and retraining programmes are designed to meet needs and market requirements. They are generally certified (GSD department). Successfully completing our courses will give you best prerequisites for setting out in an interesting and exciting profession. Strong partners enable us to offer AZAV-certified training courses as well. AGSM – Akademie für Ganzheitliche Sicherheit und Sicherheitsmanagement GmbH, Berlin supervises and implements AZAV-certified courses and course parts on our behalf.
We are going to develop your future in the respective field of action of the security industry together with you based on your personal preferences and specific requirements of the labour market, from lessons to the Master (MA) Security Management degree programme. We will make your wish for greater security at a high level in the required quality come true.
Our entry-level qualification starts with instruction in the guarding trade, as your career discovery measure, before continuing on in the preparation phase for the expert knowledge examination in the guarding trade (IHK qualification/examination, in accordance with § 34 a GewO) to help you pass that examination. We will work with you to draw up your personal continuing education plan and determine your professional prospects in the course of this basic training. Taking additional modules such as fire protection, first aid, de-escalation, unarmed self-defence, operational psychology, etc., will give you some additional skills and abilities, sharpen your personality profile, and provide some individual unique selling points for you.
Our objective is training you to think and act in a complex manner, to become reliable and responsible decision-makers and managers. At the same time, we try to promote your personal strengths, individuality, and independence.
We must work together to successfully process the fields of action of our constantly changing security market in order to meet the ever-growing quality demands our customers and clients have to their specialist personnel.
This is vital for promptly identifying possible security risks for the society and the individual alike, and to react to these in a qualified and efficient manner.
Let us walk this path to becoming a qualified and professionally recognised force in or for the security industry together.
Lateral entrants may find the following path ideal: First, they will pass the expert knowledge examination (in accordance with § 34 a GewO) with subsequent post-qualification to become an IHK-certified protection and security guard (GSSK). Once these requirements are met, they can obtain the state-recognised vocational qualification as a Service Worker for Protection and Security/specialist in protection and security (SSS/FSS).
Further building on this, they can complete their training via continuing education to become a Master of Protection and Security (Meister für Schutz und Sicherheit; MSS) or acquire a Bachelor’s (BA) and/or Master’s (MA) degree, each of which is possible in the form of extra-occupational studies. All areas of the security industry and corporate security are now open to you. The professional career of your dreams is waiting for you! It up to you – and to us, if you choose to make us part of it!
The private security industry with far in excess of 100 job profiles (see FD BGA) that are constantly evolving and subject to permanent change offers you an enormous professional perspective. There is no other place with so many exciting and interesting activities.
Talk to us.
It’s your choice if you prefer to guard a fire door (regardless of whether it is F 30 or F 120) for months and years, sitting in your lonesome chair and struggling to stay awake, or whether you want to be in a decision-making position. We will review whether you meet the admission requirements together and accompany you before/during your training all the way to your first employment contract or start-up and beyond if you wish (FD BGA). We consider ourselves a link between you and the labour market, identifying needs and opportunities and letting you benefit from our knowledge and experience (FD BGA).
The best of our graduates have an opportunity to stay in our company to help complete special protection and security tasks. Please refer to the FD PSG as well as the FD GSG for our special, operational security services.