..your partner for a successful IHK examination
Do you want more security for your IHK examination? You’ve come to the right place for it!
Our goal is being perfectly prepared for the IHK examination, as well as other state examinations for the following occupational profiles/fields of activity:
Expert knowledge examination in accordance with § 34 a GewO
Certified Protection and Security Guard
Service Worker for Protection and Security
Specialist for Protection and Security
Master of Protection and Security
Weapons expertise, including range supervisor/range officer
Emergency call and service control centre (NSL)
Rescue assistant/paramedic
Complex training with focus on examination preparation GSSK – SSS – FSS – MSS – as well as special modules; performance reviews, performance maintenance as well as performance improvement for task forces as well as assessment
Your advantages
Refreshing existing knowledge and closing knowledge gaps
Confidence in dealing with the IHK examinations and other state examinations
Experienced lecturers and a pleasant learning environment
Our success rate and that of our participants is over 90%; it reaches 100% in most areas
No more than 12 participants per course (up to 15 are possible in exceptional cases)
The material relevant to the examination is repeated and reinforced in all courses; teaching is provided where necessary. Previous examination papers are processed and discussed available.
Who is eligible for our service?
Anyone who wants or needs to refresh their knowledge.
Prices for the individual lessons (Unterrichtseinheiten; UE) can be found in the cost information under the respective course offers for examination preparation.
Other prices on request.
Please use our contact form or the phone or personal consultation.
Costs can be covered by the employment agency, the JobCenter, or other service providers from case to case.
Courses to prepare for examinations are suitable for
course participants (continuing education/ specialisations)
retrainees in the last semester of retraining
external IHK examinees
examination repeaters
participants in a subsequent examination date
Teaching location:
Alt Moabit 96 b
10559 Berlin
in the premises of AGSM GmbH
Class times for examination preparation courses:
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday, each from 04:45 PM to 09:00 PM
04:45 PM – 06:15 PM – Lessons
06:15 PM – 06:30 PM – Break
06:30 PM – 08:00 PM – Lessons
08:00 PM – 08:15 PM – Break
08:15 PM – 09:00 PM – Lessons
In exceptional cases, earlier start times and lessons until 11:00 PM can be arranged
Saturday each from 09:00 AM to 04:00 PM
09:00 AM – 10:30 AM – Lessons
10:30 AM – 10:45 AM – Break
10:45 AM – 12:15 PM – Lessons
12:15 PM – 12:45 PM – Break
12:45 PM – 02:15 PM – Lessons
02:15 PM – 02:30 PM – Break
02:30 PM – 04:00 PM – Lessons
Sundays on request
Preparation for the oral examination: Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday each from 04:30 PM to 08:45 PM
5 lessons of 45 minutes each in 3 blocks
15 minutes break after approx. 90 minutes
Don’t think about your examination only at the last minute. This will save you plenty of stress and is also more effective.
We will be happy to provide you with individual offers for the respective examination complexes on request via our contact form, by phone, or in a personal meeting.
1. Preparatory courses for the IHK expert knowledge examination in accordance with § 34a GewO
The following examination-relevant subject areas will be covered and consolidated:
Public safety and order law including trade law and data protection law
Civil Code (Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch)
Criminal and criminal procedure law including handling of weapons
Accident prevention regulation for security services
Dealing with people, in particular behaviour in dangerous situations and de-escalation techniques
Basic principles of security technology
EUR 25.00 per lesson
2. Certified Protection and Security Guard
The following examination-relevant subject areas will be covered and consolidated:
Service know-how
Fire protection and other emergency measures
Occupational safety, health, and environmental protection
Use of protection and security technology
Safety and service-oriented behaviour
EUR 30,00 per lesson
3. Service Worker for Protection and Security
The following examination-relevant subject areas will be covered and consolidated:
Occupational profile-defining skills, knowledge, and abilities:
Legal basis for security services
Security services
Security areas
Work organisation; information, and communication technology
Quality assurance
Communication and cooperation
Teamwork and cooperation
Client-focused communication
Protection and security
Behaviour and action during protection and security measures
Security equipment and aids
Section B Integrative skills, knowledge, and abilities:
Vocational training, labour and collective bargaining law
Structure and organisation of the training operation
Occupational safety and health
Environmental protection
EUR 35,00 per lesson
4. Specialist for Protection and Security
The following examination-relevant subject areas will be covered and consolidated:
Behaviour and action to match the situation
Identifying and assessing potential hazards and conflicts and adapting behaviour and actions accordingly
Using opportunities for teamwork and communication
Assessing perpetrator motives and behaviour
Taking self-protection measures and using methods of de-escalation
Initiate required relief measures after accidents and incidents
Application of legal basics for security services
Recognising and legally assessing dangerous situations and violations of the law
Present possibilities for action, under consideration of the rights of persons and institutions
Economic and social studies
The candidate should prove their ability to present and assess general economic and social contexts of the professional and working world
Concepts for protection and security
In compliance with the legal basics
Planning, implementing, documenting, and monitoring security and preventive emergency response measures
Identifying security-relevant facts and contributing to clarification
Assessing hazard potentials, identifying, analysing, and evaluating risks
Planning security services also under consideration of teamwork
Development of a written concept
EUR 40,00 per lesson
5. Master of Protection and Security
The following examination-relevant subject areas will be covered and consolidated:
Interdisciplinary basic qualification
Acting in awareness of the law
Business management
Cooperation within the operation
Training the trainer
Protection and security
Structural and mechanical protection and security equipment
Electronic protection and security equipment
Communication and information technology
Special protection and security equipment
Applying methods of planning and communication
Occupational safety, health, and environmental protection
Leadership and personnel
Human resources management
Personnel development
Quality management
EUR 55,00 per lesson
The following examination-relevant subject areas will be covered and consolidated:
Reviewing training requirements and planning training
Preparing training and assisting in the recruitment of trainees
Conducting training
Completing training
EUR 30,00 per lesson
7. Weapons expertise
The following examination-relevant subject areas will be covered and consolidated:
Weapons Act and legal basics
Acquiring weapons
Carrying weapons
Use of weapons and ammunition
EUR 40,00 per lesson
Range supervisor/range officer
The following examination-relevant subject areas will be covered and consolidated:
Shooting range and its approval (expert opinion)
Age limits according to the Weapons Act
Tasks, rights, and obligations of the “responsible supervisor”
Storage of firearms and ammunition at the shooting range and in the shooting house
Acquisition of firearms and ammunition at the shooting range -
Insurance for the operator, shooters, and guest shooters
Prohibited weapons and ammunition/prohibited shooting practice
Umbrella organisations and their sports regulations/disciplines
Ammunition and ballistics in relation to the approval of a shooting range/range regulations
Behaviour in cases of accidents or emergencies and provision of first aid -
Safe handling of weapons and elimination of weapon malfunctions
EUR 30,00 per lesson
8. Emergency call and service control centre (NSL)
The following examination-relevant subject areas will be covered and consolidated:
Leadership and deployment of intervention forces
Information service and information securing
Emergency call, control centre, and video technology as well as access control systems
EUR 35,00 per lesson
9. Rescue assistant/paramedic
The following examination-relevant subject areas will be covered and consolidated:
General content and measures of emergency medicine
Emergency knowledge in the specialities of internal medicine
Human anatomy
Human physiology
EUR 40,00 per lesson
10. Complex training
10.1 Focus on examination preparation GSSK – SSS – FSS – MSS – as well as special modules
Linking theoretical knowledge in practical application (interdisciplinary, complex within the scope of leadership tasks) with examination-relevant, the respective subject-specific basics of service knowledge, legal principles, security technology, security concepts, operational psychology, etc.
Secondary topics can be compiled from case to case.
Focus is put on the application of the basic knowledge in different situations.
Complex I: 1 day – 08:00 AM – 06:00 PM
Complex II: 3 days – each from 08:00 AM – 08:00 PM (accommodation in the deployment camp at the gates of Berlin or any other location that makes sense in relation to the assignment)
Complex III: 5 days – each from 08:00 AM – 08:00 PM (accommodation in the deployment camp at the gates of Berlin or any other location that makes sense in relation to the assignment)
Complex IV: can be ´custom-designed – but no less than one day (accommodation in the deployment camp outside of Berlin or any other location that makes sense in relation to the assignment)
10.2 Focus on performance reviews, performance maintenance as well as performance improvement for task forces
Linking theoretical knowledge in practical application (interdisciplinary, complex within the scope of leadership tasks) with examination-relevant, the respective subject-specific basics of service knowledge, legal principles, security technology, security concepts, operational psychology, etc.
In particular, it is also suitable for task force members of various deployments as well as for companies that aim to further strengthen their task forces and prepare for changing security situations.
Complex I: 1 day – 08:00 AM – 06:00 PM
Complex II: 3 days – each from 08:00 AM – 08:00 PM (accommodation in the deployment camp at the gates of Berlin or any other location that makes sense in relation to the assignment)
Complex III: 5 days – each from 08:00 AM – 08:00 PM (accommodation in the deployment camp at the gates of Berlin or any other location that makes sense in relation to the assignment)
Complex IV: can be ´custom-designed – but no less than one day (accommodation in the deployment camp outside of Berlin or any other location that makes sense in relation to the assignment)
10.3 Assessment focus
The focus is on reviewing the key competencies of applicants for qualified, sophisticated security services in accordance with the client’s specifications and the challenges facing the security industry. In particular integration of technological progress and the required key competences of the human component to increase professionalism of the service “security” are relevant here.
Complex I: 1 day – 08:00 AM – 06:00 PM
Complex II: 3 days – each from 08:00 AM – 08:00 PM (accommodation in the deployment camp at the gates of Berlin or any other location that makes sense in relation to the assignment)
Complex IV: can be ´custom-designed – but no less than one day (accommodation in the deployment camp outside of Berlin or any other location that makes sense in relation to the assignment)
A specific, individual quotation will be provided based on the client’s expectations here.