Mission statement*

Mission statement


  • Our consistently managed, disciplined, and target-oriented consultations, security services, and training/continuing education measures enable us to significantly contribute to increasing the personal, social, and professional competencies of security staff in the security and guarding industries as well as in the self-conception of our clients’ needs for security.

  • We at DSF focus our attention on our clients, customers, trainees, retrainees, and course on our participants. Our thoughts and actions are targeted at achieving our clients’ goals at maximum quality.

  • We respect our clients with their abilities and potentials, their wishes, and their goals. We promote these aspects individually with a number of measures, in accordance with use, targeted at enabling and strengthening professional and personal development.

  • We teach in a target-, practice- and client-focused manner. We engineer engaging and diverse learning experiences by using up-to-date content and a variety of methods. We promote integrated knowledge, thinking, feeling, and action with exercises through complex group and class projects.

  • Living up to our clients’ security mandate is at the focus of our thoughts and actions. Unity of confidentiality, loyalty, data protection, operationality, and dynamism take centre place for us.

  • We cooperate with all persons and organisations involved in completion of our mission and training of our participants, maintain contact towards the outside world, and provide information actively and transparently.

  • We cultivate respectful interaction and an open culture of discussion and decision-making between trainers and trainees as well as within each group at our education centre. We are aware of the value of individual differences.

  • We strive for a high level of learning success by way of a well-founded introduction and streamlined classroom management. Independence, a sense of responsibility, and the ability to work as a team are important to us. We encourage course participants and students to support each other on all levels.

  • We consider the economic interests of our partners and clients and design our own services in accordance with economic principles.
    We work towards a fair price/performance ratio.

  • Integrated security services require integrated thinking as well as integrated training content and methods in order to train, deploy, and lead security specialists who think and act in an integrated manner.

*For reasons of better legibility, the above mission statement uses only the generic masculine. Please note that this does not represent any discrimination, valuation, or restriction. 
Our courses are open to any individual, irrespective of gender, origin, sexual orientation, or religion, with an interest in participating in one of our courses, provided that they meet the respective admission requirements.

 Training, further training and continuing education

The beginning is always the hardest. This is particularly true when starting out in a new profession. Most people find it difficult to skilfully showcase their strengths every single time. The letter of application can be the first obstacle here already. Many applicants hesitate since they know that they will need to live up to certain standards to avoid disappearing into the crowd. This uncertainty causes most people to either do nothing at all, or to approach the entire matter incorrectly, ruining their chances. That’s a pity! We at “DSF” believe that this reluctance is unnecessary and based solely on lack of knowledge. This situation should be converted into something positive.

Support options

Employment agencies and JobCentres offer individual support via the relevant benefit providers!


German pension insurance finances benefits for vocational rehabilitation or vocational promotion. The technical term for this is “benefits for participation in working life” (Leistungen zur Teilhabe am Arbeitsleben). These benefits aim to maintain earning capacity and open up new career opportunities.


The Berufsförderungsdienst der Bundeswehr (BFD) supports the integration of soldiers into the civilian labour market after the end of their service.


Continuing education of low-skilled and employed older workers in companies (Weiterbildung Geringqualifizierter und beschäftigter älterer Arbeitnehmer in Unternehmen; WeGebAU)

This programme of the Federal Employment Agency will fund training and continuing education within the scope of existing employment relationships.


Federal Training Assistance Act (Bundesausbildungsförderungsgesetz; BAföG)

Provides for state support for education.


 Nationwide support programmes

Premium voucher/education premium

We can accept the premium voucher of the European Social Fund (ESF) for all courses*. The only eligibility criteria are employment status (at least 15 hours per week) and taxable income (no more than EUR 20,000 or EUR 40,000 in the case of joint assessment). The state cover half of the course fees*, up to a maximum of EUR 500, via the premium voucher. File your application for the premium voucher with the advisory centres of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung). Find the list of counselling centres at www.bildungspraemie.de.

*Premium vouchers can only be used if the course fees do not exceed EUR 1,000 for courses in the federal states of Brandenburg, Rhineland-Palatinate, Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt, and Schleswig-Holstein.

Scholarship for continuing education

The scholarship for continuing education “supports young people in further professional qualification after particularly successful completion of vocational training”. This refers to employed, self-employed, or job-seeking professionals with a good vocational qualification. Special qualification can also be demonstrated by a proposal from your employer or vocational school, which must state reasons. The scholarship is targeted at people under the age of 25. Voluntary service and parental leave can raise the age limit. The subsidy of up to 90% also applies to costs for working materials, travel, and overnight stays.

 Support programmes for continuing vocational training in the respective federal states, e.g., Land Brandenburg


Education voucher

Issued to all employees with their main residence in Brandenburg. It is even possible to apply for it twice per calendar year. Subsidies of 70% of the course and examination fees are granted for continuing education measures with a course fee of EUR 1,000 or more. Companies with a permanent establishment in Brandenburg receive a subsidy of 50 – 70% (max. EUR 3,000/employee) depending on the size of the company.

 Promotion of continuing education by the employer

Educational leave

This is special leave paid by the employer to attend recognised professional training courses. The application must be submitted to the employer at least six weeks before the course starts.